Friday 9 May 2014

International Community in Germany

The MSC Province in Germany decided to form an intentional international community of MSC sisters from India, Korea, Papua New Guinea and Germany.  Preparation of the sisters for this new community experience involved years to learn the language and German culture as well as professional study and updating for ministry.   This international community officially began in Gievenbeck, Germany in August 2012.

International House of Studies and Formation in Manila, Philippines

An International House of Studies and Formation has been established in Manila, Philippines for MSC Sisters in the congregation.   In the 1980s MSC sisters first went to Manila for the purpose of professional studies.   Over the years, the sisters besides studying also began small ministry outreach efforts to engage with the local people.    

Gradually the need and interest for an International House of Studies and Formation for the MSC sisters grew and developed.  Today MSC sisters from the Asia Pacific area and Africa who come to Manila for studies have the opportunity to live together as an international community and to experience life and mission beyond their own countries.  Young women from the Asia Pacific are also receiving formal formation to become MSC sisters here in Manila. The hope is that one day soon young Filipino women may also want to join the congregation.

Stable or core members of the community in Manila have been able to open a second house in San Mateo,
a poorer area outside metro Manila where they provide ministry outreach for women and children.

MSC Sisters in Kiribati

Community Life

Sisters of the Sutri Community

Living in community, the MSC sisters share life and support one other in mission. In the early history of the congregation, many sisters left their homeland to begin new MSC missions in other countries.  As provinces were established, the exchange of sisters between countries decreased.  Today the congregation is promoting cross-cultural living and mission experiences for their sisters.   This is an enriching but also challenging experience for the sisters who come from diverse realities and cultures.